Key Signing Party Handout Template

I organized a Key Signing Party a few weeks back and created a handout for every attendee. It featured the keys to be signed and also basic instructions to complete the signing process. It may come in handy for other organizers, so i wanted to share it with you. It’s an OpenDocument format, which should open well in just about any version of LibreOffice, OpenOffice and probably MS Office. I’m placing this under the Free Documentation License.

The document also has a few comments build in to help you remember what to do and what to change. Those comments will not print and they’re just for you, the party organizer.

I am using Times new Roman and Adobe Source Code Pro (both should be available to you freely). Feel free to customize the styling!

If you have suggestions for this template, please leave a comment or contact me directly!

Download ksp-handout-template-1.0.odt

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Claudius Coenen is a tech-enthusiast. He's writing on all kinds of topics, including programming, technology, gadgets and media.

This site features his occasional articles, findings, documentations.



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