I will be using TouchDesigner for an upcoming course, but it’s only officially supported on Windows and MacOS. Can we run this on Linux? Let’s try it!

Claudius Coenen's Blog
Posted by Claudius Coenen on September 25th, 2024 | Comments Off on TouchDesigner on Linux using Bottles and Wine
I will be using TouchDesigner for an upcoming course, but it’s only officially supported on Windows and MacOS. Can we run this on Linux? Let’s try it!
Filed under Artikel, Linux, Technik | Tags: HowTo, Linux
Posted by Claudius Coenen on June 26th, 2023 | Comments Off on Spotify CarThing Internet Access
The Spotify CarThing was discontinued late 2022 and subsequently heavily discounted. I got a friend of mine to send one to me, because at that time it was pretty apparent that there was a good chance of this being very hackable. First order of business for me was: internet access.
Here, we’re setting up a Raspberry Pi with a Socks-Proxy, a local webserver and the relevant settings on the CarThing itself.
Read the rest of this entry »Filed under Artikel, Technik | Tags: CarThing, HowTo, Linux, Projekt
Posted by Claudius Coenen on November 16th, 2018 | Comments Off on tcpdump docker traffic
Tiny howto, so don’t need to look this up as often. In order to tcpdump your own docker traffic, you will need to identify the appropriate interface first:
# docker network ls NETWORK ID NAME DRIVER SCOPE 15a300de bridge bridge local 88d8d7d1 nextcloud_default bridge local
From that, we get the network ID. This will be included (at least partly) in the interface name, so we’ll just take the first few characters and grep:
# ip addr | grep 88d8b 9: br-88d8d7d1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default
this gives us the full interface name (ok, basically this is just “br-” followed by the network ID).
We can then just use tcpdump any way we like:
tcpdump -i br-88d8d7d1
Filed under Keine Kategorie | Tags: HowTo
Posted by Claudius Coenen on October 13th, 2018 | Comments Off on OAuth2 with Nextcloud (Provider) and GitLab (Client)
I recently configured GitLab as a OAuth2 client to a Nextcloud Instance. I wanted OAuth2 to be the only way of logging in, and Nextcloud to provide the information needed for one-click user signup (actually, three clicks). This process was not entirely straightforward, especially since I don’t want my buttons to read “OAuth2-Generic”. Changing the name after setting everything up, means changing URLs and in combination with Nextcloud this means recreating your tokens. Long story short: I wrote down how I did it.
Filed under Technik | Tags: Admin, HowTo, OpenSource
Posted by Claudius Coenen on August 31st, 2014 | Comments Off on DIY Lowboard
Ich habe ein neues Wort gelernt. Während meiner Recherche zu Wohnzimmermöbeln wurde ich darauf aufmerksam gemacht, dass eins einen Fernseher heutzutage auf ein “Lowboard” stellt. Essenziell ist es, dass ein Lowboard entweder winzig, hässlich oder teuer ist. Das legte die eingehende Recherche zumindest nahe. Lowboards sind darüber hinaus Rudeltiere und verbünden sich mit Regalen und Ablagen zu sogenannten Wohnwänden. Gruselig.
So einen Kasten kriege ich zum Glück gerade noch selbst hin. Wenn ihr das zu Hause nachmachen wollt, erfahrt ihr hier, was ihr dafür braucht.
Filed under Artikel | Tags: DIY, HowTo, Projekt